Please Note: We are currently in the process of creating a brand new website for the club.

Some basic information follows below, and feel free to contact President Michael Cassara at with any questions. Our new site will be launching in coming weeks, and we are excited to share it with you.


In 2025, we will hold two 2-day shows, as well as two 1-day shows. Additional club meetings and opportunities will be announced to club members in the Metro News and via our e-mail blasts.


THE METROPOLITAN POSTCARD CLUB OF NEW YORK CITY, formerly called the Metropolitan Post Card Collectors Club, is the oldest continuously run postcard club in the United States. Membership is made up of both collectors and dealers of postcards from coast-to-coast and many from foreign countries as well. Not only has the Club been facilitating the exchange of postcards since its founding in 1946, it is dedicated to furthering the understanding and practice of Deltiology -- the collection and study of picture postcards.


Metropolitan Postcard Club is an active postcard club that meets on a semi-monthly basis. Our community is made up of postcard enthusiasts who have been collecting postcards for decades and those just starting out. We hope to see you at our upcoming activities.